VMware Aria Operations 8.17.1 dropped last Friday, here are the helpful links:
The Release Notes reference this new two-step upgrade process detailed in the KB, which describes the process as upgrading the Cloud Proxys (CP) first directly via the Admin UI, then upgrading the Operations Cluster itself. Let's do it, first download the necessary packages from Customer Connect.
Once downloaded, let's apply the "Only CP" update for the CPs via the Admin UI.
This will put the upgrade package on the CPs, extract them, and prepare them for installation. They are downloaded to /storage/db/vmware-vrops-cprc/upgrade/download and extracted to /storage/db/vmware-vrops-cprc/upgrade/extract. Once the CPs are upgraded the bits are removed. You can hover over one of your CPs in the Admin UI for more details.
The CP download/extract deploys a script that checks the Operations Cluster every 5m looking for updates. Once it notices the Operations Cluster has been upgraded to 8.17.1, the script will start the CP upgrades. The running script will look like this
root@vr-cg-cp-1 [ ~ ]# ps -ef| grep -i upgrade
root 857480 1 0 10:02 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/vmware-vrops-cprc/bin/python/cprcUpgradePoller.py
You can run the following command to check status:
service cprc-upgrade-poller status
● cprc-upgrade-poller.service - CPRC Upgrade Poller Service
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/vmware-vrops-cprc/bin/python/cprcUpgradePoller.py; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2024-04-15 10:02:39 UTC; 4h 5min ago
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
Main PID: 857480 (python)
Tasks: 1 (limit: 9504)
Memory: 16.6M
CGroup: /system.slice/cprc-upgrade-poller.service
└─857480 /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/vmware-vrops-cprc/bin/python/cprcUpgradePoller.py
Apr 15 13:52:45 vr-cg-cp-1.tvs.vmware.com python[857480]: 2024-04-15 13:52:45,726 [857480] - root - WARNING - Poller sleeping for 5 minutes
Apr 15 13:57:45 vr-cg-cp-1.tvs.vmware.com python[857480]: 2024-04-15 13:57:45,852 [857480] - root - WARNING - Open URL: 'https://cptocluster>
Apr 15 13:57:45 vr-cg-cp-1.tvs.vmware.com python[857480]: 2024-04-15 13:57:45,863 [857480] - root - WARNING - Request failed with response c>
Apr 15 13:57:45 vr-cg-cp-1.tvs.vmware.com python[857480]: 2024-04-15 13:57:45,863 [857480]
Next, let's upgrade the Operations Cluster itself back at the Admin UI.
Once done, you'll have this, indicating your Operations Cluster has been upgraded.
You can confirm via the About page on the regular UI.
Finally, let's check the CPs to confirm they are now being upgraded.
Takes 5-10m and they are done!
Our upgrade is complete! You could have done this second part via your Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager, but the CP only part you'll have to do locally via the Admin UI for now. I expect this all to be supported by ASLCM in the next release.