We applied Aria Operations 8.18 HF2 via the Admin UI in the previous blog, here we will apply it via the Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager (ASLCM). First, let's download the HF2 patch binaries for use in ASLCM here.
Once they've been downloaded, we SCP them up to the ASLCM VM into /data.
brockp@P794NX491T Downloads % scp ./vrlcm-vrops-8.18.0-HF2.patch root@vrlcm-bpeterson.tvs.vmware.com:/data
VMware vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager Appliance on Photon
root@vrlcm-bpeterson.tvs.vmware.com's password:
vrlcm-vrops-8.18.0-HF2.patch 2% 115MB 5.6MB/s 14:45 ET
Once uploaded we make them available to ASLCM via Lifecycle Operations - Settings - Binary Mapping - ADD BINARIES - Patch Binaries.
Once there click ADD PATCH BINARY, point to /data (or wherever you put it) and click DISCOVER.
You will then see HF2, click ADD. This will add HF2 to the patch binary depot so we can apply it. You can monitor progress via Requests, it'll look like this once done.
Back in Lifecycle Manager - Settings - Binary Mapping - Patch Binaries you can now see HF2.
Next go to Environments, select your environment, and find the Operations tab. Click the three dots
Select Patches - Install Patch and follow the prompts.
You can watch your progress via Requests.
Once done it'll look like this.
You can confirm HF2 was applied via the About page.