We dropped VCF 5.2 last week which includes Aria Suite 8.18, here are all the announcement blogs! We'll get started upgrading Aria Operations, Operations for Logs, and Automation to 8.18 by starting with the Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager (ASLCM) which still supports online upgrades.
Log into Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager and go to Lifecycle Operations - Settings - System Upgrade - CHECK FOR UPGRADE.
As you can see at the top in the green box, there is an upgrade available, apply it by clicking UPGRADE. Once done click UPGRADE.
The upgrade will prompt you for a Snapshot, which I took via vCenter, but I could have used the CREATE SNAPSHOT functionality just as well. Click NEXT.
We're looking good, we passed 5/5 validations, click UPGRADE.
We'll monitor the progress bar at the bottom and the VM will eventually reboot.
Once complete, you'll log back in and go to Lifecycle Operations - Settings - System Upgrade to confirm your upgrade was successful.
You can also confirm via the admin@local - About page top right.
We've completed our ASLCM upgrade to 8.18, next we'll do Operations, Logs, and Automation, which I'll detail in upcoming blogs.