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Compliance with Aria Operations

Brock Peterson

It's been a while since we last discussed Compliance and things have moved around quite a bit since then, so let's review. All screenshots are from Aria Operations 8.16.1.

Compliance is a Pillar of Operations in the new Home - Launchpad.

Selecting the Compliance tile, gives you more detail.

The Learn More drop down gives us a nice summary of what the Compliance capabilities are in Aria Operations, documentation links, and more. The LEARN MORE link from the Monitor & Remediate tile gives us more details around compliance, supported technologies, compliance scores, and a video showing you how to use the Compliance Packs.

Clicking the VIEW link in the Monitor & Remediate tile takes you to the Compliance page asking you which VMware SDDC Security Guidelines you'd like to enable: vSphere vSAN, and NSX-T. It also provides support for Regulatory Benchmarks: CIS, DISA, FISMA, HIPAA, ISO, and PCI.

Click ENABLE on the VMware SDDC Benchmarks you'd like to enable and ACTIVATE FROM REPOSITORY on the Regulatory Benchmarks you'd like to activate. Once activated, click the VIEW link at the bottom of the Monitor & Remediate tile to see results.

You get a summary of your compliance positions for each activate Benchmark. Click one of the tiles to see the details, we'll check the vSphere Security Configuration Guideline.

Here you can see how many vSphere objects are Compliant vs Non-Compliant, a breakdown of those object types, and a list of Alerts describing your potential violations. You can do this for each Benchmark to see details, Alerts, and more. You can always click ALL BENCHMARKS to go back to main Compliance page. You can also enable any of the Benchmarks from here by clicking ENABLE.

So, what defines these Benchmarks and the Alerts they generate? If you go back to the Home - Compliance page you'll see a tile for each Benchmark.

Select one and you'll see details, let's click the vSphere Security Guide.

A brief Overview is provided, but the real information is in the Control Set tab.

This is where you'll find the Alerts and Symptoms defining the Benchmarks. Explore each Alert and its underlying Symptom/s for more details.


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