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Brock Peterson

VMware Infrastructure Health Management Pack for VMware Aria Operations

Back in the day, if you wanted to monitor your VMware Software Defined Datacenter with VMware Aria Operations, you'd deploy the SSDC Health Management Pack. With 17 Dashboards, 55 Views, 69 Alerts, and more, it was an effective way to monitor your SDDCs (vCenters, vSAN, and NSX-T). This management pack is still available, but will ultimately be deprecated.

In the most recent release of Aria Operations 8.12, we've introduced the VMware Infrastructure Health Management Pack, which comes packaged with Aria Operations itself and will present as an Available Integration.

Click ACTIVATE, then click YES at the prompt. This will activate the management pack and create an Adapter Instance for each Analytics Nodes/Cloud Proxy, mine now looks like this.

There are two accounts: one for my Primary Node and another for my Cloud Proxy.

If you subsequently add an Analytics Nodes or Cloud Proxy, you will have to manually configure another VMware Infrastructure Health adapter instance for it.

Let's explore the content of the management pack.

There are 5 Dashboards, 17 Views, 11 Alerts, and more. There are dashboards for health, optimization, and trends, but the most interesting to me is the VMware Infra Certificate Overview.

We now have visibility into certificate expirations for our vCenters, ESXi Hosts, and more, including alerts/symptoms that will tell us when they are expiring.

These symptoms are being called from the alerts included in the management pack.

Here you can see the "vCenter app health is affected" alert, which will alert us to vCenter issues. We now have visibility into our entire VMware SDDC with a single management pack. For more information on Aria Operations please see the VMware Aria Operations: Journey to Success guide on the VMware Apps and Cloud Management Tech Zone site!

2 comentarios

27 jul 2024

Hi there,

I installed Aria Opererations v8.17 and then recently upgraded to v8.18 and I do NOT have the "VMware Infrastructure Health Management Pack" available to ACTIVATE. How do I get it? Should I install the SDDC Management Pack (vmware-mpforsddchealth-8.12.2-23812451.pak) from the VMware Marketplace.

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Brandon Ozard
Brandon Ozard
21 ago 2024
Contestando a

Look for the new Dashboards showing under VMWare Infrastructure Health. It's built into 8.18

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