We just upgraded our Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager (ASLCM) to 8.18, which we can still do online, next we'll upgrade Operations, Logs, and Automation, but first we'll need those binaries. We can no longer download binaries directly from VMware Customer Connect, so we have to load them into ASLCM manually, here's how.
Log into the Broadcom Support Portal and go to My Downloads, these are the three tiles you'll want.
We're upgrading from previous releases, so we'll download the upgrade binaries.
Logging into ASLCM and going to Lifecycle Operations - Settings - Binary Mappings you'll see this.
We've downloaded them already, so let's upload them (scp) to the ASLCM VM and put them in /data. In my case i created a directory called /data/8.18_binaries and put them there.
root@vrlcm-bpeterson [ /data/8.18_binaries ]# ls -latr
total 19691536
drwxr-xr-x 24 root root 4096 Jul 28 20:10 ..
-rw------- 1 root root 5161451865 Jul 28 20:56 vRealize_Operations_Manager_With_CP-8.14.x-to-
-rw------- 1 root root 1031331840 Jul 28 21:11 VMware-vRealize-Log-Insight-8.18.0-24021974.pak
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Jul 28 21:24 .
-rw------- 1 root root 13951623168 Jul 29 14:42 Prelude_VA-
Add these binaries to ASLCM by selecting ADD BINARIES. I've uploaded them directly to the ASLCM VM, so I've chosen the Local radio button, but NFS is also supported. Give it the directory you uploaded to (/data/8.18_binaries in my case), then click DISCOVER.
Highlight all three packages, then click ADD to add them to ASLCM.
You can watch progress.
Now the binaries should be available for application, go to Lifecycle Manager - Settings - Binary Mapping - Product Binaries.
We can now upgrade Operations, Logs, and Automation, which I'll detail in the upcoming blogs.