While attending a recent Dell EMC Virtual Optimization Assessment (VOA), I discovered how to change the summary dashboard shown when looking at object detail, be it a VM or any other object, including those discovered by third party adapters. Thanks Joe Kaluza, great session!
The VM summary dashboard default is shown here, others objects are similar:

While this shows a nice amount of data, there are times I'd like to change it, here's how you do that:
1. Dashboards - Actions - Manage Dashboards

2. ACTIONS - Manage Summary Dashboards

3. Select the Adapter Type you want, then select the Object you want.

4. Click the Assign a dashboard icon and point it at the dashboard you want to be the object detail dashboard for that particular object. As you can see, my object detail page is now my new dashboard, in this case VM Object Detail. Once done click SAVE.

5. Now when you click on the object detail of a VM you will have the new dashboard. I like this one much more!
