Someone recently reached out asking where to find various versions for things in Aria Operations: vCenters, ESXi Hosts, VMTools, etc. So I went looking, but it wasn't quite as clean as I thought it should so I made a Dashboard (and six Views) showing exactly what I wanted. Let's have a look, all screenshots here are taken from Aria Operations 8.18.2.
Looking at vCenters, you can see Version is a Property.
You can find ESXi Host Version as a Property as well (among other versions)
Finally, you can find VMTools Versions as a Property on VMs.
Now that you have all the Properties, it's just a matter of creating Views to visualize things. I wanted bar charts to show versions across the estate and details for each object type, so I used Distribution Views and List Views to do it. My vCenter Version View looks like this.
The List Views are similar, my vCenter List View looks like this.
Putting all of these things together, the Dashboard looks like this.
We now have visibility in vCenter versions, ESXi Host versions, and VMTools versions across the entire estate. You can do similar things for any property you want! If you would like this Dashboard (and the 6 Views used in it), you can grab them from my GitHub repo here.