17 items found for "telegraf"
- Monitor Oracle Database with Aria Operations and Telegraf
monitoring Oracle Database with vRTVS a couple years ago, but there is another way to monitor as well, Telegraf Go to Environment - Applications - Manage Telegraf Agents and install the Telegraf Agent on the VM/s Once installed, the Telegraf Agent will discover Oracle at which point we can configure the Telegraf Documentation on Telegraf Agent configuration for Oracle Database and more can be found here, enjoy!
- OS Monitoring with vROps and Telegraf
The Telegraf Agent for Windows and Linux pulls data from the OS via Input Plugins. This is where you'd perform other Telegraf Agent actions as well, like Start/Stop. The install was successful, the Telegraf Agent should now be running. Now that we've deployed our Telegraf Agents, what do they look like? Here you can see the Windows VM we installed the Telegraf Agent on.
- VMware Aria Operations 8.12: What's New with Cloud Proxies for Telegraf Agents!
Telegraf Agents are a great way to capture OS-level metrics, monitor services and processes, and gain Aria Operations 8.12 (and Aria Operations SaaS January 2023) we now have HA for data collection from Telegraf Let's install a Telegraf Agent. Click Install and you are presented with an option to associate your Telegraf Agent with a Cloud Proxy Quite an improvement from older releases that required manually load balancing of Telegraf Agents and
- Monitoring Redis with Aria Operations
As you've probably discovered, we don't have a Management Pack for Redis, so we'll use a Telegraf Agent We've discussed using Telegraf Agents several times before , but not yet for Redis or in Operations 8.18 Search for the VM you'd like to install the Telegraf Agent on. Select the three dots and Install. Took a couple minutes and the Telegraf Agent installation is complete. At this point you've installed the Telegraf Agent on the VM, which gives you OS metrics.
- Monitoring Microsoft Active Directory with vROps
There are two options: Service Discovery Management Pack (SDMP) Telegraf Agents We discussed SDMP in The more robust solution is to deploy Telegraf Agents. Upon installation, the Telegraf Agent will discover AD services running on the VM. These are the six different AD objects captured by the Telegraf Agent. We can create Alerts against any AD objects and metrics the Telegraf Agent has discovered.
- Aria Operations Application Monitoring
To be clear, this blog will detail Application monitoring with Telegraf Agents, not Service Discovery Clicking the Application: Telegraf tile gives you details. Here you can see the three VMs running Telegraf Agents monitoring IIS. All Telegraf discovered applications will be represented like this. Here's a dashboard showing all Telegraf discovered applications with alerts, health, and more.
- Monitor Websites with VMware Aria Operations
Telegraf Agents are installed on your VMs. Go to Environment - Applications - Manage Telegraf Agents to see them. within the Telegraf Agent itself. The Telegraf Agent is a child of the VM and the HTTP Check object is a child of the Telegraf Agent. Telegraf Agents are powerful, use them!
- Monitoring Windows Services/Processes and Linux Processes with VMware Aria Operations
We can do it in Aria Operations with the Telegraf Agent. Click MANAGE AGENTS to see all Telegraf Agents. You'll notice that the Telegraf Agent is already capturing two Windows processes, namely _Total and telegraf , in my case C:\VMware\UCP\ucp-telegraf. Back to Telegraf, this is what the monitor looks like.
- Windows Service Monitoring with VMware vROps
Years ago we had Hyperic Agents, then we had Endpoint Operations Agents, and now we have Telegraf Agents As of vRealize Operations (vROps) 7.5, VMware is using Telegraf technology as its Agent-based solution This blog will discuss the Telegraf Agent for Windows, which is to say the Telegraf Agent framework and You are now monitoring Windows Services with vROps and the Telegraf Agent! In our next blog we'll explore the Telegraf Agent for Linux.
- Application Monitoring with VMware vRealize Operations
Next, install the Telegraf Agent. To be clear, the install package includes the Telegraf Agent, a Salt Minion, and OS Input Plugins. This is where we will configure the MSSQL monitoring, but first let's see what we get with the Telegraf The Telegraf Agent will first start providing OS metrics for the VM, which is shown as a child object The Telegraf Agent will now connect to the MSSQL Instance configured.
- VMware Aria Operations Ping Capabilities by Guest Author Trey Lanier
Ping Check from Aria Operations managed Telegraf agents – Telegraf agents include several capabilities Running a Ping Check from any VM running a Telegraf agent ensures network connectivity to a requisite Further, instead of deploying multiple Cloud Proxies, you might deploy VMs running Telegraf throughout Agent; this can't be configured in Aria Operations for Open Source Telegraf Agents. to Environment > Applications > Manage Telegraf Agents.
- Disk Monitoring with VMware vROps
Telegraf Agents! Let's install the Telegraf Agent on a Linux server with an NFS mount to and explore. Exploring a Windows VM, let's install the Telegraf Agent. This is just one use case for Telegraf Agents, but a very powerful one. Telegraf Agents capture quite a few more metrics as well, they can be found here.
- VMware Aria Operations: Add Windows VM Service Monitors via API
First let's find a Windows VM with the Telegraf Agent installed. Telegraf Agents are of course a requirement, good luck!
- VMware Aria Operations Business Applications
As you can see, I've added several more objects, including things like OS and Apache discovered by Telegraf
- Monitoring VMware Horizon
automatic clean-up of sessions and user objects Enhancements to Horizon Traversal spec Configuration of Telegraf
- Service Discovery with VMware vRealize Operations
In the last blog we discussed Windows Service monitoring with the Telegraf Agent, but there is another
- Troubleshoot with VMware vRealize Operations Part 2
Application - this dashboard provides visibility into Applications via the Telgraf Agents (only available